söndag 26 juli 2009

Testat att stämpla på tyg!

Har gjort ett sommarkort till en skissutmaning på Midnight Madness. Testade att stämpla och måla på tyg! Stämpeln från Magenta.

Tack för besöket!

14 kommentarer:

  1. I am in love with your blog and all of it's contents..You are a VERY talented card maker. I love your take on the sketch this week you are very creative. Thank you so much for playing the Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge this week.. I hope to see alot more from you in the future..

  2. Oh, this is simply irresistable. I could see this hanging in my kitchen. What a wonderfully creative card. Love your take on the sketch. Thank you so much for playing with us at the MMSC this week.

    Carolyn, MMSC DT

  3. This is madness hur kan man vara så duktig som du mamma!!!!

  4. Beautiful card. Reminds me of my Grandma's house.

  5. This is simply pure beauty! I love the fabric and dowel for hanging the focal image! Stunning!
    ~Michelle MMSC DT

  6. Helt underbart vackert och somrigt Biggan. Love it!!
    Vi har haft sol nästan hela veckan drar hem i morg.
    Inte blött i gräset här inte;)
    Kram C

  7. Oh my goodness!! This is amazing, I see your cards over on SCS all the time but didn't know you had a blog. Wow!! Can't wait to see everything else here!!

  8. Men oj vad snyggt och fräckt!!!
    Här var en massa snyggt att titta på!
    Tack för inspirationen!

    Kram jessica

  9. The Midnight Madness Design Team want to thank you for your entry into our challenge. We will be looking forward to many more in the weeks and months to come.

  10. This is simply beautiful!! I love the gingham and the use of the dowel!! Gorgeous take on the challenge!! Thanks for playing with the MMSC this week!

  11. Vad snyggt det blev! Tror jag måste ta och testa stämpla på tyg.

  12. Oh my goodness Birgit. This is stunning. I love it. I think this is my favorite thing that you have ever created. I love to sew and fabric is my first love. You are so talented. Hugs.
