söndag 30 maj 2010

Solen har tittat fram!

Efter en mycket grå och regnig helg tittar solen nu fram! Man får hoppas att tvätten som hängt ute 1 dygn nu torkar..det är faktiskt en sommarkänsla för mig! Det luktar så fräscht och rent när tvätten torkat ute!

Vann ju en utmaning hos Sew Many Cards och priset var en massa digitala stämplar! Här ett nytt bidrag till veckans utmaning, tre dekorationer/tekniker + charm!

Trevlig söndag!

8 kommentarer:

  1. Beautiful card! Love your coloring!!!

    Thanks for joining us this week at Sew Many Challenges!

  2. Oh wow, your card is stunning.
    I just love what you did to Eris!!!
    Thanks for joining SEW MANY this week.
    Adrina XX

  3. Oh wow fabulous card, love the colouring and those hearts are stunning....thanks for joining in with SMC this week, x carol

  4. STUNNING!!! I love how the hearts are floating! You did a superb job coloring Eris!!! Thanks so much for sharing wtih us at SMC!

  5. wow! You did such a wonderful job with this. I have got quite a few emails about your card here---- Your coloring is perfect and your dimension adds a great touch!


  6. I love how cute this is and the crystal effects is fabulous.

  7. Love the way you colored Eris.

    Thanks for joining SMC challenges

  8. Adorable!

    Thank you for taking the challenge at Sew Many Challenges!
