torsdag 23 juni 2011

The Play Date Cafe Challenge PDCC87

Ny färgutmaning på "The Play Date Cafe"! Färgerna är blått, rött och grått.

Här kan du se inspirationsbilden

Tack för besöket/Thanks for the visit!

5 kommentarer:

  1. Wow another great work from your hand. I've become a huge fan you make incredible art.

  2. Absolutely stunning ... love how you turned the grey from the color palette into a stormy sky.

  3. Beautiful card, Birgit...the colors are fabulous together. This is a wonderful masculine card, the images are great and the layout is just perfect!

  4. This is absolutely stunning! WOW! Thanks so much for playing along with us this week at The Play Date Cafe!

  5. OH MY! This is beautiful--so masculine but perfect for just about anyone! LOVE the way you used our colors! Thanks so much for joining in the fun over at the PDCC and playing along with us this week:)
