fredag 17 juni 2011

Utmaning på CAS-ual Fridays

I vann förra veckans utmaning på CAS-ual Fridays! Ett stämpelark från den duktiga designern Tami Mayberry! Tack/Thank You!

Veckans utmaning på CAS-ual Fridays är "COLOR BLOCKS"
Jag har lekt med min Silk Clay och gjort en vas med  stansat löv och placerat ett torkat havreax i den.
I´ve played with my Silk Clay to create the vase with a punched leaf and placed a dried oat ear in it.
Kvadraterna är färgade med Distress Inks/ The blocks are colored with Distress Inks.

 Tack för besöket/Thanks for the visit!

18 kommentarer:

  1. Du är så duktig,dina kort är helt underbara. Kram Nina

  2. Just stunning! I love the soft colour palette and the oat looks fab!

  3. What a beautiful piece of art! Congrats on your CAS-ual Friday was much deserved! I look forward to seeing your projects each week!

  4. Lovely!! You have such a wonderful style and its always a treat to have one of your creations in our gallery :) Thanks for playing with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  5. This is simply beautiful, what gorgeous colours

  6. A really gorgeous car! Perfect colouring and such a great idea.


  7. Helt ljuvligt med milda fina färger, verkligen jättefint!

  8. I absolutely adore this card! It's so beautiful and the soft colors are stunning. It's so great to have you once again at CAS-ual Fridays!

  9. Wow another great card this is so lovely. Congrats on your CAS-ual friday win hope to see more of your work in the future.

  10. Oh my goodness! Another beautiful creation - amazing! Thanks for playing with us at CAS-ual Fridays, and congrats on your win last week!

  11. This is absolutely beautiful! Love the soft colors, it's like a piece of art. It would lovely framed, hanging on a wall :) Thanks for playing this week at CAS-ual Fridays!

  12. sooo pretty - love that you added a dried oat. Thank you so much for playing along at CAS-ual Fridays this week.
