tisdag 12 juli 2011

Färgutmaning på ColourQ #93

Veckans färg-utmaning på ColourQ är att använda rött, orange, grönt och blått! 

Stamps: Skogstokiga, Inkadinkado
Här ser ni inspirationsbilden!

Tack för besöket!/Thanks for the visit!

4 kommentarer:

  1. Eeeek! this is adorable! The colouring, the layout, those wonderful little tabs. LOVE it!
    Thanks for playing along with us again this week at ColourQ, :)

  2. Birgit, this is so cute! Thanks for joining us at the ColourQ this week.

  3. What a darling image, and you've colored it so well! Love the ribbon tabs on the side. Thanks for playing at the ColourQ this week!

  4. so SO darling! Thanks for playing at CQC this week! :)
