torsdag 11 augusti 2011

Ny färgutmaning på Play Date Cafe #PDCC94!

Ny färgutmaning på Play Date Cafe, brunt , blått och gult!

Stamps: Prima: Fiskande pojke
Text : Gina K. Design
Tack för besöket!/Thanks for the visit!

5 kommentarer:

  1. I love this. I really like how you have put the heart at the end of the fishing line, looks great. :)

  2. Så klurigt att linan fortsätter under motivrutan.

  3. Stunning! I LOVE the little heart dropped through that panel! So glad you played at The Play Date Cafe!

  4. Oh, I LOVE how you've hooked that heart below your main panel! So clever! Thanks so much for playing along with us this week at The Play Date Cafe!
