fredag 20 januari 2012

CAS-ual Fridays Challenge CFC36

Veckans utmaning på CAS-ual Fridays är "Create a Clean And Simple Project that is only black and white".*no other colors will be allowed-not even a speck*

Stamps; Inkadinkado and Tim Holtz

6 kommentarer:

  1. Lovely card! I really like the text background and your twine adornments. Thanks for playing with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  2. Vilket vackert kort! Gillar det massor. Som alltid! :D

  3. Beautiful stamping! I love the pairing of these two stamps! Well done! Thanks so much for joining us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  4. Superläckert!! Så stilrent och användbart. Tack för inspirationen!

  5. Love your black and white card-especially the text background! I am very excited that I will be visiting Sweden next year for my son's wedding! He is betting married at The Ice Hotel!

  6. This is so pretty!
    Thanks for playing at CAS-ual Fridays!
