lördag 4 februari 2012

CAS-ual Fridays Challenge CFC38

Utmaningen på CAS-ual Friday´s blog denna vecka är "Movie Inspiration"! 
                                                  Jag valde filmen "Pretty Woman" 
                                     (I was inspired by the movie "Pretty Woman")

Digital image

Tack för besöket!/Thanks for the visit!

8 kommentarer:

  1. Cute image!! I can see how the card is related to the story! The coloring, shading and layering are fabulous! So glad that you join the fun with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  2. Beautifully coloured and shaded!

  3. Delightful movie inspiration! Colored to perfection :) Thanks for playing along at CAS-ual Fridays!

  4. I love that movie. Your image and it's colours are wonderful.

  5. another fabulous creation, beautifully coloured!

    ali x

  6. Such a cute image and perfect for Pretty Woman. I love your card!

  7. Wow!! What a beautiful take on the challenge . . . your work always leaves me in awe. Thanks so much for playing with us at CAS-ual Fridays!! We're so glad you did!

  8. I love this! can you tell me where I can find that image? I'd love to have it, too!
