torsdag 30 augusti 2012

52 {Christmas} Card Throwdown

A card for the a challenge at 52 {Christmas} Card ThrowdownEmbellishment Challenge - decorate your cards with pieces of Chipboard.

I painted the ornament chipboard with Gesso and placed a small winter scene behind. I painted the scene with Encaustic wax and stamped this small tree from from Alota Rubberstamps with Gesso!


4 kommentarer:

  1. This is absolutely AMAZING! GORGEOUS coloring and fabulous use of chipboard! Thanks for joining us at 52CCT! :)

  2. OMGoodness - so very lovely!!! Thanks so much for joining us again this week at 52 CCT!

  3. You card is absolutely gorgeous! I love it! Thanks for joining us this week at 52CCT!

  4. WOW - this is amazing. thanks for joining in this week at 52CCT - Jacqueline xx
