söndag 30 september 2012

52 {Christmas} Card Throwdown

The challenge this week on 52 {Christmas} Card Throwdown is to create anything BUT a card
I´ve used a small hexagonal jar and cover it with white cardstock and lace. Placed the sweet  angel on every side, the Angel comes from Alota Rubberstamps. 


8 kommentarer:

  1. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av bloggadministratören.

  2. Denne var rett og slett kjempesøt! Nydelig englemotiv!

  3. Absolutely gorgeous, Birgit! LOVE the angel theme and how you've used mainly white!!! Stunning piece of artwork! Thanks for joining us at 52CCT! :)

  4. Hi Birgit - your creativity continues to amaze me! Thanks so much for joining us this week at 52CCT with your darling angel creation! Hugs.

  5. You have made a plain jar into a beautiful treasure. Thank your for designing for Alota.

  6. This is lovely and would make a beautiful festive gift - thanks for joining in at 52CCT this week - Jacqueline xx

  7. What a sweet angel on your lovely jar - this will make a perfect gift! Thanks so much for continuing to share your beautiful creations with us at 52 {C}CT! Ruth x

  8. Birgit, this is amazing, you so such beautiful work! Thanks for joining us this week at 52CCT!
