fredag 9 november 2012

CAS-ual Fridays 78

The challenge on CAS-ual Friday´s blog this week is to 
"Create a Clean And Simple project that has something torn on it. Tear that cardstock, designer paper or even felt. Get creative and tear it up"

Here´s mine with the lovely sentiment from "So very Thankful" from Technique Tuesday!


7 kommentarer:

  1. To jest po prostu piękne w swojej prostocie!

  2. Your cards are always so beautiful. What kind of paper do you stamp on?

  3. Wow! This is breathtakingly beautiful. Congratulations on a stunning piece of art. I'm off to look at the rest of your blog now because you have really inspired me, thank you

  4. How gorgeous!!! Your tearing is so subtle and artistic! Swooning over here! Thanks so much for playing along with us at CAS-ual Fridays this week!

  5. BEAUTIFUL!! So glad you are a part of the CAS-ual Friday challenges...thanks for sharing your creativity:)!!
