fredag 22 februari 2013

CAS-ual Fridays w91

The challenge on CAS-ual Fridays blog this week is to add Silver! 
I used this fun stamp, Brace Mouth and text "Tin Grins are in!" from Alota Rubberstamps! Added Silver Liquid Pearls to the brace or "rail" as he call it :) Perfect for a young man I know..;)


10 kommentarer:

  1. this is a winner!
    Fabulous card, I love it!

  2. I love this! Makes you on good mood!

  3. How cool! What a clever way to put some silver on the card!!

  4. How fun! You make braces look cool.

  5. Hello Birgit!

    Oh i just LOVE that card!!! Why? - I'm a dentist-helper... ;-D

    Great idea with those pic! :-D

    Greets, Karola

  6. LOL Birgit this card made me giggle! LOVE you card!

  7. This so reminds me of my son who grinned so big while wearing braces, he was so happy to be getting is crooked tooth (yes, it really was just one?!) fixed - love the simple perfection of your card & perfect take on the "silver" challenge!

  8. Your cards are all lovely and I so enjoy coming by to catch up with them from time to time. This one really caught my eye! It's brilliant! Hugs, Lesley
