söndag 11 augusti 2013

CAS on Sunday #14

My card for the challenge on CAS on Sunday´s blog  , "Tag it"!

I did a Christmas tag with the sweet Little Cabin from Alota Rubberstamps and the sentiment from Technique Tuesday.


4 kommentarer:

  1. Wow, stunning art packed in this little wonder! I am always amazed at the richness of your work!


  2. Wow beautiful and amazing as always another great piece of art. Thank you for joing us over at CAS on sunday.

  3. How sweet it is! I marvel at the beautiful little scenes you create. On this one I really like where you placed the snowflakes...I'm afraid I would have filled the entire area and ruined the whole effect! TFS

  4. Oh, I'm in love with this beautiful Christmas tag! Thanks for taking part in the CAS on Sunday challenge!
