lördag 7 september 2013

CAS-ual Fridays 114

The challenge on CAS-ual Friday´s blog this week is "Back to School"!

Yes I´m back to school and I wish all thinks "School is Cool"....;)

The sentiment from this set, School Girls, Alota Rubberstamps.


4 kommentarer:

  1. Birgit.. I'm always blown away by your talent! I LOVE(!) every single piece of card art you ever create :)
    Thank you so much for playing along with us at CAS-ual Fridays!
    Sylvia xx

  2. So excited whenever I see your entries. The shading/coloring on your apple is so realistic. Thanks for joining the CAS-ual Fridays Challenge!

  3. That apple looks amazing! Such a gorgeous card! Thank you so much for playing along with us over at CAS-ual Fridays!

  4. CONGRATS on being a Cas-ual Fridays contender! Your card is great and the coloring of the apple makes it look so real! :)
