måndag 3 februari 2014

Ett Trykk

Fick en förfrågan i hösten att vara "gästartist"  i Kort & Scrap tidningen Ett Trykk 
och jag tackade ja! De har en trevlig blogg också!

Idag kom tidningen och det var 11 sidor om mig och mina kort! KUL!

13 kommentarer:

  1. Well deserved Birgett, you are so talented. Congratulations

  2. Wonderful. Love the color too. Anneke.

  3. Congratulations! I love your work, too, and it's wonderful you're being recognized...it shows their good taste!

  4. You're work is so wonderful, it's nice to see that talent recognized. Congratulations to you!

  5. So glad your talent is being celebrated! Congratulations. Your work belongs in art galleries. EVERY piece you produce is stunning.

  6. So glad your talent is being celebrated! Congratulations. Your work belongs in art galleries. EVERY piece you produce is stunning.

  7. How exciting, Birgit! CONGRATS on the publication! You totally deserve it as you have such a creative, original approach to your art. Your talent continually inspires me. :)

  8. How wonderful and so very well deserved! Your work is outstanding Birgit and quite rightly should be published! xxx

  9. Well deserved Birgit! You make such beautiful creations! Congratulations!

  10. Congratulations! Is the article available on line? If so could you share the link? We would love to read it! Keep up the beautiful work <3

  11. You do sensational work. I've tried to recreate one of your cards today and featured it on my blog. Thanks for the inspiration. I just need a lot of practice. http://carolescreativecritters.blogspot.com/

  12. Well done Birgit, your cards are amazing, I love them all and deserve to be in print!!

    Big hugs
    Roni :D xox
