lördag 1 mars 2014

Vilda Stamps

Jag är ju gästdesigner hos Vilda Stamps och idag visar jag ett par kort på deras blogg!
Har använt de fina stämplarna från Trädgårdspump och byttor och Kvistar Kit till detta kort!


3 kommentarer:

  1. Such a perfect "Still Life" should be hanging in some upscale gallery. It isn't as if one of your cards is better than another....they're all stunning in their perfection, always with some unexpected touch that puts them "over the top".

    Thanks for sharing your talent with us.

  2. Great stamps and coloring. Nice bkgrd and framing, as well. Your creative, clean and simple style is perfection, Birgit. I so admire and respect your talent of saying so much using so little, yet so creatively. Your talent is remarkable. Huggles, Gabby :)
