söndag 7 december 2014

CAS(E) this sketch 102

Here´s my card for the sketch challenge on CAS(E) this Sketch´s blog!

I used one of my favorite stamps from Penny Black


9 kommentarer:

  1. Those watery coloured tulips from Penny Black are gorgeous Birgit, and go with the sketch challenge so beautifully, and such a pretty colour too. x

  2. Every single card you create is a masterpiece and I can't for the life of me, understand why you don't have hundreds of comments for each and every one! xxx

  3. Oh, this is gorgeous! Fabulous take on the sketch

  4. I Just LOVE to see you used this sketch in your own fabulous Birgit style!
    Thanks for joining us at Case this sketch!

  5. Hej Birgit. Fab.kort. Gillar mycket hur du har lagt upp bilden.Jattefint.
