onsdag 11 februari 2015

ColourQ challenge 279

The ColourQ challenge is to create in RED, BLACK and NEWSPRINT

I sed the sweet heart from this, Quilted Hearts Set, from Serendipity Stamps!


7 kommentarer:

  1. Hej Birgit, har du gjort ett bra job
    for rott,svart och skrift. Gillar hjartat,det ar sott. Hoppas allt bra med dig och familjen.
    Maria x

  2. A stunning Valentine's card Birgit - your colouring never ceases to amaze me! Sylvia x

  3. This is wonderful Birgit and the torn newsprint behind and the strawberry shaped little heart is extremely pretty and has that slightly grungy look which works really well. x

  4. Beautiful image, your card is just gorgeous, Birgit!

  5. Gorgeous! Love the buttons and thread! Thanks for playing along with the ColourQ this week!

  6. Absolutely love this card. This is one of my favourite stamps and I do like the way you've used it on the newsprint! Fab!
