söndag 8 februari 2015

Penny Black dies and Peppercorns!

Playing with dies from Penny Black and white pepper!

On this card I used the die Framed Fern from Penny Black and glued Peppercorns to it!

 On this card I used one the leaves from Autumn Jewels and added crushed peppercorns! The sentiment from Sprinkle and Smiles also from Penny Black


10 kommentarer:

  1. What a truly amazing idea Birgit - the peppercorns give such beautiful texture to the leaves.
    I am now searching through my cupboards to find the peppercorns!
    Sylvia x

  2. Great idea, love the peppercorn look! ;)

    Vicki x

  3. This is a wonderful idea Birgit and looks lovely and so different. x

  4. WoW...so beautiful end so special project...hugs Ada

  5. What a great idea, super cards and I love pepper! These would make smashing cards for people who love to cook! Elaine

  6. très original et une grande réussite, biz

  7. Fun, crafty, clever cards, Birgit! Especially LOVE the fern. :)

  8. Hej Birgit, Jattefina kort som alltid. Kul att du andvant pepparkorn, valdigt smart.
    Maria x

  9. You are so incredibly clever, Brigit. Every card you make is absolutely stunning! Thanks for sharing your talent.

    I have a cupboard full of whole spices needing to be used, so thanks for the inspiration.
