söndag 29 mars 2015

Addicted to CAS #60

I´m so happy to be guest designer this month for Addicted to CAS. There you can find lots of fun challenges and great inspiration!!

The challenge on Addicted to CAS #60 is to create from the code word CUTE!

I think this little cutie from Penny Black is perfect for that!


6 kommentarer:

  1. This is so sweet, Birgit! And perfectly coloured. Thanks again for joining us at Guest Designer at ATCAS! xx

  2. This is such a darling image and I love your coloring and design! So happy to have you as our Guest Designer for the month...I can't wait to see more!

  3. Så himla gullligt kort Birgit! Tack igen för att du är gästdesigner hos oss på Addicted To CAS, du skapar verkligen fantastiska kort!

  4. Hej Birgit,
    Detta kort gor att man inget annat kan gora then le :-) Underbart kort
    Ha det bra,
    Maria x

  5. Beautiful coloring... that image is adorable

  6. Perfectly fits the challenge word of cute! This image is adorable and you colored it beautifully.
    So glad you joined us at the Guest Designer at ATCAS
