söndag 12 april 2015

Serendipity Blog Hop

So let’s get hopping – and while you hop, be sure to leave a trail of comments so that we can find you and put you in our random drawing for one lucky winner of a $20 gift card to use at                     

Here´s my card using the new Spring Flower Pops Cling Set and Retro Rectangles Cling Set and watercolors!


3 kommentarer:

  1. Hello Birgit,
    I'm always excited about your master pieces! I love all your cards and often try to copy them (with more or (more often) less success). May I ask you what paper you use? At today's card I mean the frame and the background (of which one does not see so much; I do not mean then paper on which you stamped the tulip). I have the impression that it must be very thick.
    Would be great to hear from you!
    Thanks and have a nice sunday evening!

  2. This is beautiful as usual Birgit and love that nice bright red for the tulip. x

  3. Simply beautiful card as always.
