söndag 3 maj 2015

CAS(E) this Sketch 121

Here´s my card for the sketch on CAS(E) this Sketch´s blog!

Used this die from Penny Black

I  perhaps the only on who loves magpies...I have two magpie families in my trees! :)

The sketch


7 kommentarer:

  1. that is beautiful, I love magpies too, in the UK we have a superstition that if you see a single magpie you should salute it to avoid bad luck, do you have superstitions with magpies in your country?EE

  2. Thanks Edna! No superstitions but proverb like "Thieving as a magpie" :)

  3. Great Card. I love the colors and all the texture.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. The card is beautiful - so is the magpie. And I so like your take on the sketch!

  5. Oh, this is gorgeous! Fabulous take on the sketch!

  6. This is really beautiful Birgit and wonderfully coloured. The magpie is very prevalent in the UK too and although I love the look of it, it is rather a bully as it tends to chase away the other birds. x
