lördag 25 juli 2015

Less is More W234

The challenge on Less is More´s blog this week is a Theme, Snippets!

We do have a lot of snippets :) 

Congrats to LIM Chrissie, she is celebrating her
 birthday this weekend on Malaga! I just arrived home from a trip with my family to Barcelona and 
I´m sure Chrissie needs a sunhat!! It was sooo warm in Spain!! Puh!
Cut a sunhat from scrap, added a small brad I found on the floor :)
Sentiment from Technique Tuesday, Love Bug Jar
And the Dina Wakley Scribby Birds.


13 kommentarer:

  1. My pal's just returned from Spain and said the same "too hot"!!!

    Lovely card and like the idea of the cute little snippet hat for your DW bird


  2. Such a cute idea - I love it, Jo x

  3. Oh wow, another fabulous Less is More card from you. So talented! Love the little hat :)


    Di xx Less is More GD

  4. I realy love your little birdie. Hugs, Ankie

  5. This is cute image and a beautiful CAS card Birgit and I love the red snippet for the hat and the brad eye. x

  6. Cute, cute, cute! Always LOVE your cards!

  7. Just couldn't be more adorable! I love your work Birgit.

  8. Your cards always amaze me, Birgit! Love your snippet hat and the brad used for the eye. Super little card.
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Anita x
    Less is More

  9. Adorable, love her cute hat!

  10. WOW! Just stunning Birgit - once again nothing fazes you and I love your snippety sun hat!
    I'm sure Chrissie will be wishing she had that with her too!
    Thanks so much for sharing and taking part.
    Sarah xx
    Less is More

  11. What an adorable snippet hat for your bird Birgit!
    Thank you for playing along with Snippets for Chrissie
    "Less is More"

  12. Lovely image and it looks great stamped on the textured card. Really gives it a unique look!
    all fab!

    (Crafty Distraction)

  13. This is such a fun card, it would be perfect to enter our current challenge at Quirky Crafts. Cazzy x - on behalf of   the Quirky Crafts Challenge Blog DT.
