söndag 20 september 2015

CAS Colours & Sketches w. 142

The colour challenge on CAS Colours & Sketches blog this week is to create a masculine card in 
wild wasabi, chocolate chip and lost lagoon.
Here´s my card! Sentiment stamp from Penny Black "Snippets"


10 kommentarer:

  1. Superb, I love it! Thanks for playing at CC&S.

  2. What a fabulous idea for a masculine card Birgit. x

  3. Brilliant! and Beautiful, as always.

  4. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  5. I love the "painted" strips and the textured cardstock. Fantastic job! Thanks so much for making CC&S part of your crafting fun! :)

  6. These colours lend themselves so well to a male card. Great job Birgit. Stef (CC&S) x

  7. Oh wow! Such a brilliant idea! I love the way you've used the colours for an awesome masculine card. Thanks for sharing with us at CC&S
    Louise xx

  8. I'm guessing it is not available in the States, but could you let me know what the wonderful white linen texture cardstock is? It is such a perfect background for your beautiful coloring. Thanks.Bonnie N
