tisdag 15 september 2015


One more card with the new stamps and dies by Cath's from Technique Tuesday!
On this card I used the small flower stamp and the dies.

If you want to have a chance to win some prizes just take part in the Blog Hop 


11 kommentarer:

  1. Brilliant, its lok like an oil painting on Canvas, just adorable!

  2. This one is my MOST favorite that you have made using the Flower chain From Cath! OH, The rich colors!!

  3. Valdigt fint ! Alskar de starka fargerna.
    Ha det bra, Maria x

  4. Very nice image with its autumn colors, it gives a warm feeling to me.

  5. This is so beautiful Birgit and the mass of small flowers is so pretty in that vase and you have created a gorgeous background for it. A lovely choice of colours too. x

  6. WOW; what a piece of artwork!

  7. Birgit, Birgit, Birgit!
    I'm just in amazement what you did here. It's so wonderful.

    Hope you have a happy weekend!

  8. OMG, OMG, OMG That's a "card"...???
    WOW!!!! I am totally truly blown away, I really, really thought that was a oil painting.....you are an incredible, amazing, inspirational artist !!! You really, really need to consider doing a YouTube video tutorial of this, and I guarantee I will be first in line to see it and I'll even tell you now I will not only give it a thumbs up but I will save it to my favorite playlist dubbed "tutorials I want to try" !!!! Please, please consider doing the video.
    Thank you for sharing !
    Hugs from Texas
