onsdag 7 oktober 2015

CASology w 167S

The challenge on CASology´s blog this week is to make a SILLY card...I did a bit different Christmas card with the laid back Baby Snowman from Serendipity Stamps! 

Just that way I want my Christmas! :)
PS. You can win a $20 gift certificate to the Serendipity Stamps online store!


10 kommentarer:

  1. This is so cute and I love it! Great idea for the challenge x

  2. Ha, ha! I love that little snowman. Such a cute card.

  3. Such a delightful card. How do you keep coming up with these 'bright' ideas?
    Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could face Christmas in this spirit? Some hope!

    Mary Mac

  4. The snowman is definitely cute and funny Birgit and I love your background scene with the trees, a really lovely card. x

  5. Sorry Birgit I meant tree in the singular, and love the falling snow embossing too. x

  6. Men vilken söt snögubbe! Underbart kort!

  7. beautiful card!
    I'm doing my first GIVEAWAY over at my blog! Be sure to check it out!! :)

  8. Alskar detta kort, tycker mycket om bakgrunden,
    den passar sa bra till den lilla ,sota snogubben.
    Ta vara pa varandra, Maria x

  9. So awesome Birgit! Love the dimension and subtle blue!
    Thanks for joining CASology this week!

  10. Hey Brigit!! I love your card. I love your layback snowman. He is so cute and your shading is awesome too. Thank you so much for playing us this week at CASology.
