söndag 15 november 2015

Peace on Earth

I made this set this morning thinking about the terrible things that happened in France. Used France’s colors to honor the Paris victims. So terrible and unbelievable.
Stamps from Penny Black


14 kommentarer:

  1. Beautiful and very thoughtful x

  2. Beautiful work, but such sad inspiration. I think these awful events are occupying many of our thoughts at present.

  3. Beautiful work and just the perfect sentiment Birgit. I'm sure we all asks ourselves why! x

  4. beautiful things made for the innocent who were slaughtered - the beauty in these things that you have made - made me cry for those who suffering.Absolutely dreadful :(

  5. Beautiful homage. Our hearts are with them...

  6. Wonderful and peaceful piece of art. We suffers with the people in France. We are all shocked.
    Thanks for this light and let us hope, that we all will light it for hope and peace.
    Best wishes from Germany

  7. Terrible and deeply sad times we live in, but you have brought forth creative stunners, Bless you.

  8. Bless you for those thoughts on that horrible attack , so many young people murdered and peace gone in its place horror and fear. May God bless them all . Beautiful card as always and I loved that you did the matchbox to go with the candle . Bless you Brigit

  9. Such a beautiful dedication. Let Light (candle) come from the dark.......

  10. This is absolutely beautiful.. Peace for Paris. Peace for the World.

  11. Birget, this touches my heart ... our world needs peace ...
