torsdag 31 december 2015

Happy New 2016!

Whether you are creating cards for Valentine’s Day, any love-themed occasion like an anniversary,                                                    or just celebrating a special friendship, 
                 the newest collection, Love Always, from Penny Black is perfect!

                              For this card I used a stamp from the beautiful Love & Hugs

                                           Used  Cracked Glass Technique for the heart

Happy New 2016 to all of you!!

7 kommentarer:

  1. What a WONDERFUL heart you made...a very good use of cracked glass technique...happy new year to you...kisses Ada

  2. Wowza, Birgit, your card is stunning! I haven't used the cracked glass technique in've inspired me, my friend.

  3. Wonderful card! Like your stamp! It was a perfect choice for your cracked glass heart. May you find happiness, love and lots of hugs in this New Year, Birgit! Sincerely, Gabby :)

  4. Lika elegant som alltid när det gäller dina kort. Otroligt inspirerande att få besöka din blogg.
    Önskar dig ett riktigt Gott Nytt År 2016!

  5. Gott Nytt Ar och hoppas du far ett bra crafting Ar !
    Hjartat ar jattefin !
    Maria i UK x

  6. Truly beautiful Birgit and love the cracked glass technique. x

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