lördag 27 februari 2016

CAS Colours & Sketches #162

There´s a sketch on CAS Colours & Sketches blog this week!

I used a part of this stamp from Penny Black

and the die


8 kommentarer:

  1. That striped telephone is just toooooo cute.

  2. Super cute card! LOVE the striped phone with the pearl heart center! :)

  3. This is a brilliant card. Absolutely brilliant, I love it!Thank you so much for joining us again at CAS Colour & Sketches - I hope to see you again next week. Liz x

  4. Love, love, love this card! Such a great take on the sketch! The pearl and music notes are such great touches! Thanks for playing along with us at CC&S!

  5. This is simply fabulous. Love the monochrome, the heart in the middle of the dial, the die cut sentiment.....I just love it all! Thanks for sharing at CC&S
    Louise xx

  6. Time ran away with me for commenting last week! Thank you so much for sharing your card with us at CC&S. Stef x

  7. Åh, denne er bare SÅ kul! Flott design!
