fredag 11 mars 2016

CAS Colours & Sketches 164

Here´s my card for the sketch challenge on CAS Colours & Sketches blog!

I used this beautiful stamp from Serendipity Stamps
and the word from


9 kommentarer:

  1. Such beautiful Crocuses Brigit and love the colour and look great over the edge of the frame. x

  2. very pretty, mine are flowering in the garden, also purple as i love purple

  3. Love your purple crocuses, my garden ones are purple too. Love that grainy background, gives real texture to your card. Thanks for playing at CC&S.

  4. Gorgeous! Love the way you interpreted the sketch! Love the scene! Thanks for playing along with us at CC&S!

  5. Birgit - I love the beautiful purple crocuses - and especially the way that they are overlapping the edge of the square. Beautiful. thanks for sharing with us at CAS Colours & Sketches this week. Liz x

  6. Beautiful card Birgit, I love the colouring of your crocuses. Thanks for joining us at CC&S once again. Stef x

  7. What fabulously colored crocuses, and I love how they are popping out from the square! Thanks so much for playing in our sketch challenge at CC&S! :)

  8. Just beautiful, Birgit. The subtle background green caught my eye as it grounds everything else. And I love the crocuses. Thanks for joining us again at CC&S. Caro

  9. SO so pretty, love the colours you have used and how the flowers pop out of the square. Wonderful use of the sketch, thanks for playing along at CC&S. Hugs Bev x
