söndag 17 april 2016

Favorite stamp

I bought this stamp from Serendipity Stamps many years ago but it´s still one of my favorite! 
This time colored with watercolors


7 kommentarer:

  1. Your vases are gorgeous!! I have a similar set and I love it.
    Can I ask you what type of gold you added to the vases and the foliage? It doesn't look like it's gel pen, it looks more like liquid pearls?
    Thank you for sharing.

    Maria Rodriguez.

  2. Gorgeous depth on your beautifully colored pottery. TFS Birgit.

  3. Thanks Nancy and Maria! Maria it´s Gold Liquid Pearls!

  4. How beautiful. I love how you colored those vases. I totally understand favorite stamp sets.... we can never let go of them!

  5. Beautiful vases Birgit and I can see why it is a favourite stamp of yours. The gold liquid pearls looks wonderful and a great artful touch. x

  6. What a beautiful card!!! As olways, and yes these vases are so beautiful , I can imagine that this is one of your favorites!!!

    Have fun!!

  7. I can understand why you still love this stamp.
