tisdag 24 maj 2016

CAS Colours & Sketches 174

There´s a color challenge on CAS Colours & Sketches blog this week!

It wasn´t easy for me but here it is...

Using dies from Penny Black


7 kommentarer:

  1. Stunning! But then your cards always are. Thanks for linking up with CC&S.

  2. Oh my gosh, this is gorgeous! I love the silver waves up the side! Thanks for playing along with us at CC&S!

  3. Beautiful card. I especially like the die cut waves along the left hand side, it compliments the flower beautifully. Thanks so much for joining in at CC&S this week. Hugs Bev x

  4. Always love your cards Birgit, this is no exception. It is very contemporary in the challenge colours, thanks for joining us at CC&S again this week
    Louise x

  5. Just beautiful, Birgit. Gorgeous use of the colours, wonderful images, gorgeous sentiment. Stunning as always. Thanks for joining us at CC&S this week. Caro x

  6. Such a stunningly beautiful card. Thanks for sharing!
