lördag 21 maj 2016

CAS(E) this Sketch #173

Here´s my card for the sketch on CAS(E) this Sketch´s blog this week!

I used this fun stamp from Serendipity Stamps

and leaf from Penny Black


6 kommentarer:

  1. Oh, this is so fun! I love how you paired the wine glasses with the leaves! Great take on the sketch!

  2. I LOVE all your cards, and I would like to know what paper you use. The texture is very distinctive.

  3. Hello Birgit: Love your card, the wine glasses look amazing with the background of the leaves. The paper you use looks like canvas, so beautiful.
    And I love Alan Jackson, he is a great Country singer/composer, I've seen him in concert a couple of times, I have several albums and this song is one of my favorites.
    Thank you for the video!!!!!
    Maria Rodriguez.

  4. Enkelt, effektivt och roligt! Aldrig sett finare kort.

  5. LOL! What a fun card and a clever take on the sketch! Thanks for playing along with us at CAS(E) This Sketch!

  6. LOve it!!! You've really had fun with this sketch, haven't you?!!
