måndag 20 juni 2016

CAS Colours & Sketches 178

Here´s my card for the color challenge on CAS Colours & Sketches blog this week!

Used these stamps from Penny Black

and a flower stamp I can´t find in the shop now...

8 kommentarer:

  1. So pretty and I love your distinct style. Rocking those watercolours again :) Thanks so much for joining in at CC&S this week. Hugs Bev x

  2. Gorgeous! Love the partially colored background. Thanks for playing along with us at CC&S!

  3. Gorgeous colors for your beautiful watercolor floral design. TFS Birgit

  4. Another stunner Birgit. I love that gently fading background. Thanks for joining us at CC&S this week. Stef x

  5. Such pretty flowers using the challenge colours Birgit and coloured beautifully. x

  6. Stunning! Fabulous watercolouring. Thanks for playing at CC&S.

  7. Your card certainly made me smile, Birgit. Another wonderful CAS card. Thanks for joining us at CC&S this week. Caro x
