fredag 24 juni 2016

CAS Colours & Sketches 179

Here´s my card for the sketch on CAS Colours & Sketches blog!

I rotated the sketch and used stamp and die from Penny Black


8 kommentarer:

  1. Gorgeous card! What a cool take on the sketch! Love the texture of the trees! Thanks for playing along with us at CC&S!

  2. I love your trees Birgit so prettily coloured and they are such a great shape too. A wonderful PB die. x

  3. Totally gorgeous! Love your little scene and all the texture on your card. Thanks for playing at CC&S.

  4. I love the clever way you've rotated the sketch so that the tree trunks extend from the image panel and form the two little banner-like elements of the sketch. It's a fabulous card, and I'm so glad you shared it with us at CC&S!

  5. Stunning card and love your genius thinking to rotate the sketch for your tree trunks to overhang! Thanks so much for joining in at CC&S this week. Hugs Bev x

  6. That is super-clever- using the tree trunks overlapping the edge as the tabs. Very creative use of the sketch and it's lovely to see your cards in the gallery every week, I really look forward to seeing them
    Louise x

  7. That is so clever and gorgeous! I love it! Thanks for joining us at CC&S this week. Caro x

  8. Love the texture you created and the layout too! Beautiful card!
