lördag 25 juni 2016

Simon Says: Add some shimmer

My card for the challenge on Simon Says Wednesday challenge!

Add some Shimmer

I used BossCut flowers and a Butterfly die from Penny Black. 
Sentiment from Happy snippets
Added glitter glue to the Butterfly


6 kommentarer:

  1. Beautiful card! I love the mottled colors on the butterfly...and the stickles accent adds just the right touch of shimmer! Fantastic!!

  2. Wow absolutely stunning. loving all the elements, techniques and layout...thank you for sharing this fabulous card x

  3. Stunning beyond words! If I ever decide to grow up ... I want to be you! Or ... I could live next door to you and we could be besties ... unless that's stalking ... I don't want to scare you ... after all ... you're my new best friend! LOL!

  4. Fabulous card Birgit and I adore the combination of those pretty daisies and the glittery butterfly and the torn and beautifully coloured background paper. A great design. x

  5. So beautiful....love it!
    Xx Ellen

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