lördag 27 augusti 2016

Less is More w. 291

There´s a recipe on Less is More´s blog this week!

 Sticker, sticky label or peel-off 
on your cards!

I found a sheet of peel-off from Tim Holtz deep in my drawer! :)
Peeled it to my watercolored background and placed the beautiful trees from Penny Black to it!


10 kommentarer:

  1. Beautiful make from you - and so speedy too


  2. What a beautiful card. Those die cut trees look amazing against the watercoloured background.

  3. That was a great idea using the remnant rubs - they're so cool, and this goes perfectly with the card to create a gorgeous background to those equally fabulous trees! Thanks so much for playing along at Less is More :)

  4. The TH words that you have added to the background go beautifully with the white die cut trees Birgit and I adore the pretty green background. x

  5. This is incredible...you have an amazing talent for balance and simplicity...well, and a whole lot of other attributes! :) I don't usually comment here, but you totally inspire me! Thank you very much for sharing your creativity.

  6. Gorgeous CAS card. Such a striking design. xx

  7. This is simply gorgeous Birgit... sheer artistry!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  8. Gorgeous way to use the peel offs and it is such a classy card you made. Beautiful colour too.
    Thank you so much for joining us at Less is More.
    Sharon xx
