onsdag 31 augusti 2016


Today I was inspired by a Rowan-berry...;) Perhaps it look more like an apple or tomato..:)

Used watercolors and a background stamp from Penny Black

and the word from


2 kommentarer:

  1. Hello !
    I write for a french magazine and my next paper is about the laced cards, with fibers, ribbons...
    Do you allow me to show your card(s) with the twine ?
    (here : http://bigganed.blogspot.fr/2014/07/serendipity-twinery-blog-hop-day-3.html#.V8btgjVSFLd)
    It would be perfect to illustrate my text ! ;-)
    If yes, could you send me your answer as soon as possible please ?
    I have to give my text for... tomorrow ! :-/
    If you allow me to use your image, could you send me photo(s) in high resolution, without your copyright ON it, but with the name you want me to write next to the image and the link for the address'book in the end of the magazine ?
    Thank you in advance to answer quickly, even it is "no".
    Best regards,
    Elise AMANN, for the magazine "Passion Cartes Créatives".
    (please, answer directly to my address elise.amann@wanadoo.fr because I never go to my Google account)

  2. This large rowanberry is beautifully coloured and shaded Birgit, and I love the pretty bubbly shapes in the background too. x
