tisdag 29 november 2016

Christmas feeling

A card this morning with a swedish touche with the red house!

Stamps from Penny Black


7 kommentarer:

  1. Another gorgeous wintry scene Birgit and love the splash of red with the pretty little cottage. x

  2. Åh....❤️ Dina kort är bara sååå underbara

  3. I am in love with this beautiful card, Birgit!!! Beautiful colours, my friend!

  4. Oh, Birgit, I just admire you artwork so much! This one almost makes me homesick. (The 'almost' because I haven't seen snow for 22 years and am not sure I could tolerate it anymore.) I rarely comment because it would repetitious, but I enjoy posts and there's never any I wouldn't want to frame. Thanks for sharing your marvelous talent.

  5. Amazing winter scenery as always!
    Big hugs Anja from germany
