onsdag 4 januari 2017

CAS Colours & Sketches #204

Here´s my card for the colour challenge at CAS Colours & Sketches blog this week!

I used stamps from Penny Black and watercolors.

Thanks from a snowy Sweden!

13 kommentarer:

  1. The sentiment says it all Birgit because it really is so soft and dreamy. I love that tree too. x

  2. How lovely and dreamy Birgit. Fabulous! X

  3. Gorgeous card! Your sky is wonderful! Thanks for playing along with us at CC&S!

  4. You really captured the look for your sentiment! Love the soft colors!

  5. Just beautiful! As always, I am stunned by your cards. You are such an inspiration!

    Jen xx

  6. The scene you've created does have a dreamlike quality to it. I'm so glad you're playing along with us again this year at CC&S! :)

  7. Wow this is beautiful. I love the way you have blended the colours to create such a dreamy background. Thanks for joining us at CC&S!

  8. Lovely card - the colours and blending really fit with the sentiment. Thanks for playing along with this week's CC& S challenge.

  9. Me voilà de retour et je te souhaite une très très belle année 2017 riche en rencontres, découvertes et créativité! (mais je ne fais pas de soucis de ce côté-là!...)
    Amitiés de Lyon

  10. Simply beautiful, such wonderful watercoloring and use of the challenge colours. Thanks for joining in at CC&S this week. Hugs Bev x

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