torsdag 2 februari 2017

CAS Colours & Sketches #208

There´s a dubble challenge at CAS Colours & Sketches blog this week!

Here´s mine card with the beautiful flower from Uniko


13 kommentarer:

  1. i love your coloring, sponging and those sweet little scallops Birgit.

  2. Beautiful card! I love the corner sponging of the card base and the striped layer behind the flower.

  3. Oh Birgit...your watercoloured Gerbera daisy is Stunning!! I love your corrugated..crimped piece behind your daisy image. TFS Hugs...

    P.S. Your card qualifies for our new February CAS Mix Up Challenge: Stamping + corrugated + your choice Challenge. Would love to have you play along.

  4. I love your card and the Gerbera daisy! Can you tell me what product you used to make the white splatters/droplets on and over your flower? It looks thicker than water-based paint. I love the look you accomplished with it! Thank you, Phyllis

  5. The orange Gerbera looks fantastic against that green background and I love the crimped border behind it too. A gorgeous card! x

  6. This is lovely, thanks for joining us at CC&S.

  7. Gerbera are my favorits and your card is awesome.

  8. Thanks Phyllis Beaver! I used Liquid pearls for the dots!

  9. Stunning use of the beautiful Uniko gerbera. Thanks for playing at CC&S.

  10. What a yummy card! Love the way you used the colors and that gorgeous daisy! Thanks for playing with our double challenge at CC&S this week! Hugs, Cathy

  11. WOW! I simply LOVE your card Birgit, not only have you rocked the CC&S challenge, but your use of the Uniko Gerbera is absolutely stunning. You are truly rocking this set and giving it such fresh life. Thank you so much for sharing and joining in at CC&S. Hugs Bev x

  12. Amazing colour mashup and stamping. Your card truly interpreted the challenge and felt almost alive in it's natural beauty.
