söndag 16 april 2017

Less is More #324

The challenge on Less is More´s blog this week is a theme

For me a spring walk is trees and flowers...
Here´s my card with handmade birches and stamps from Penny Black


10 kommentarer:

  1. Another gorgeous make for the LIM challenge, Birgit


  2. Handmade birches? They're incredible! Wow! The gorgeous background scene is fantastic too. Such a lovely make and absolutely perfect for our "spring walk" challenge. Thanks so much for playing along with us at Less is More :)

  3. Love the dimension! Your birch trees are awesome!

  4. I adore the birch trees and the lovely background scene which accompanies them Birgit. A gorgeous card. x

  5. What an amazing card Birgit. Those birch trees are brilliant. It's so good I would frame it!

  6. What a beautiful scene you have created here. I would love to take a walk in it right now.

  7. Splendid Birgit ! Your handmade birches are just amazing ! I love your spring walk scene, it's absolutely gorgeous ! Thanks for sharing and for inspiring.

  8. Awesome as ever Birgit ... you've brought your spring scene to life brilliantly. I can almost here the birds! Thanks so much for playing with us at Less is More this week. x

  9. That's an incredible scene Birgit and your handmade birches are so eye-catching! A magnificent use of the stamps too - perfect for the spring walk theme. I always love the white card that you use too - wish I could get my hands on some of that! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Less is More xx
