onsdag 3 maj 2017

Serendipity - May blog hop 1

There´s a Blog Hop going on at Serendipity stamps blog!
As you visit the designers you find there, be sure to leave comments!  Monday morning Mary pick one comment from one blog to win a $20 gift certificate to use at www.serendipitystamps.com

Here´s my card with the sweet words from 

and the beautiful flower


4 kommentarer:

  1. I adore these hydrangea flowers Birgit and the blue is gorgeous with the white highlights and the soft more neutral background with the repeated words adds great interest. x

  2. Beautiful card! I love your style and your color choices are always great

  3. Wow...this is spectacular! Wonderful depth to the coloring!

  4. Wow, so beautiful! Your cards are so inspiring xx

