måndag 12 juni 2017

Technique test

This morning I tested a new technique for me, Sanded Pencil Background, from SplitcoastStampers!
 Lightly scrape the sandpaper with a sharpened water-soluble pencil , allowing the pigment dust to fall into the wet areas. Where the paper is wet, the pigment will stick and lightly bleed.

I made a background for this sweet tree stamp from Magenta !


5 kommentarer:

  1. Love this Birgit! Beautiful!

  2. Dear Birgit!
    It's great! Your picture is very coherent and I like it absolutely.
    For a few days I have been dealing with acrylic paints. In Pinterest I found the one stroke technique of Donna Dewberry and I fell in love with this technique. Since then, I've been practicing diligently and have already created some cards in this technique.
    If you would like to see them, just click ---> to my Stempelgaudi ; and scroll down here; it has any pages with color painting.
    I would be very happy about your visit
    and wish you much fun with the painting.
    Kind regards from Germany = from Mainz on the beautiful Rhine river

  3. Fun technique thank you for sharing your beautiful card x

  4. A wonderful scene and beautifully executed as ususal Birgit and the little bits of watercolour pencil using the sandpaper technique look very pretty giving it a very interesting textural look. Thank you for explaining how you did this. x

  5. Great idea! Thanks for sharing!
