lördag 29 juli 2017

CAS-ual Fridays #179

I´m so happy to win a prize from CAS-ual Fridays in their last challenge! 
Thank you!
To new challenge on CAS-ual Fridays blog is 

Dies Only! No stamps!

 Here´s my card using these dies from CAS-ual Fridays

Used the negative from the die cutting to color the background.
Word die from Technique Tuesday.


5 kommentarer:

  1. Wonderful example of "less is more". I like the kind of your card making, every time a great inspiration.
    Happy weekend and a nice summertime.

  2. Congrats on your win!! And now you have another stunning, absolutely gorgeous card!! Thanks for playing along again over at the Casual Fridays Challenge!

  3. The shades of green with the white is so elegant Birgit and I love the stitched frame with the flowers over the top. Such a prettty design. x

  4. Stunning! Love the white and green, great take on the Casual Fridays Dies Only Challenge. Thanks for playing along.

  5. What a gorgeous card! Love every detail of it! Thanks for playing along with CAS-ual Fridays!
