torsdag 3 augusti 2017

CAS Watercolour card challenge - August

Here´s my card for the CAS Watercolour card challenge 
for August! This month we're challenge to add salt to our wet watercolour pieces!

I used salt for my watercolored background to this die from Penny Black;

and the word from


11 kommentarer:

  1. Your pieces are always works of art...this one is amazing!

  2. I agree with LeAnne, your work is consistently amazing.

  3. This is a very atmospheric piece Birgit and I love the colouring detail in the leaves and the beautifully glossy berries, and with the pretty background flowing out of the frame the salt has given it such a different finish. x

  4. Wow, Birgit! Another work of art! Love the "icy" salt background and how the berries pop against it! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at CAS Watercolour!

  5. I love the way you did the partial framing around the salted watercolour! It makes a great background for the branch and berries - like frost behind autumn leaves and berries. Thanks so much for joining us at CAS Watercolour!

  6. I love how your salted watercolour background spills out of your frame, Birgit. So clever. Beautiful frosty leaves and berries too. TFS and joining us at CAS Watercolour. Hugs.

  7. Amazing, you created such a beautiful effect with the salt and love that partial frame. So glad you could join us at CAS Watercolour :)

  8. Your design is so creatively unique, Birgit. Love your salted watercolour background and leaves. How you've framed your piece so the frost is spilling out of the frame is so clever. Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Watercolour!

  9. This is beautiful and I love the unique way you have the colour overflowing! Thank you for playing along at CAS Watercolour!

  10. Beautiful composition, love your card Birgit

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