onsdag 4 oktober 2017

Serendipity Blog Hop october - 1

There´s a Blog Hop going on Serendipity Stamps blog!

As you visit the designers you find there, be sure to leave comments!  Monday morning Mary pick one comment from one blog to win a $20 gift certificate to use at www.serendipitystamps.com

My card made with dies and stamp from Serendipity Stamps.


4 kommentarer:

  1. This is so pretty Birgit and I love the monochromatic look with that touch of pink behind that great looking tree. x

  2. Your beautiful coloring is amazing. Always love your cards.

  3. Your work is so beautiful. I am new to watercolors; how do you make the snowflakes?

  4. Thanks! I splatter white acrylic paint with a brush!
