tisdag 16 januari 2018

CAS Watercolour - January Reminder

This is a reminder for the great January challenge, to create a CAS Birthday card!  

My second Birthday card, using stamp and dies from Penny Black

It´s so fun to use watercolours on die cuts!


9 kommentarer:

  1. Your watercolouring on the die cut is fabulous - love the depth and colour variation you achieved. Thank you so much for being our Guest Designer this month at CAS Watercolour!

  2. So creative and absolutely stunning x

  3. Gorgeous watercoloured card Birgit. I have just started watercolouring on die-cuts and yes, it is so much fun!! Love the depth with the stamped image in the background. You are so inspiring and I learn so much from you! Thanks again for being our Guest Designer this month at CAS Mix Up! xx

  4. This is one of my favorite watercolor techniques, Birgit, and your tulips are gorgeous! I love the lovely garden you've placed them in! Thanks so much for joining our team this month!

  5. I absolutely LOVE all the texture and depth you have achieved, Birgit with your watercoloured die cut tulips:-) Such rich colors and beautiful watercolor wash background. TFS and so pleased you were our Design Team member this month. Hugs..

  6. So pretty, love the background colour diagonally across the page and the watercoloured die cuts and beautiful :)

  7. so pretty...glad you were out GD this month.
    x Karen

  8. This is so lovely, Birgit! Your watercoloring on the die-cut tulips and shadows are fantastic! Hideko

  9. I love the colour and dimension on your card.
