tisdag 2 januari 2018

CAS Watercolour - January

I have the honor to be guest designer for
CAS Watercolour challenge this month!

The challenge for January is "Birthday" for your CAS water coloured card.

 Here´s my watercolored card, using a stamp and dies from Penny Black.


14 kommentarer:

  1. Gorgeous watercoloured roses Birgit!! Love how you have masked and created the background with a rose off in the distance and then lots of dimension with your watercoloured die-cut roses on top. Thanks so much for being our Guest Designer this month at CAS Watercolour! xx

  2. A gorgeous watercoloured background and then the prettty die cut roses which you have coloured and given such a lot of dimension to Birgit. I love the way the lower case stamped sentiment follows the line of the background. x

  3. OMG..Stunning die cut watercolored roses, Birgit. I LOVE your stamped and watercolored background and angled stamped sentiment too. TFS and being our GD this month. I need to add the PB new Rose die cut set to my wishlist. Wishing you a wonderfully creative New Year. Hugs...

  4. Gott nytt Ar Birgit ! Hoppas du hade en trevlig jul.
    Tack for att visa oss detta underbart fina kort. Jag
    alskar alltihopa om det!
    Maria x

  5. Wow stunning work Birgit, love the dimension of your watercoloring!

  6. Beautiful roses, Birgit! I hadn't paid any attention to this die until I saw this. Now it's on my wish list! Your watercoloring is perfect and adds so much dimension to the roses! Thanks so much for being our Guest Designer at CAS Watercolour this month!

  7. Stunning flowers, I love the soft muted images behind and that perfect watercolour wash. Thanks for being Guest Designer for this month at CAS Watercolour.

  8. Beautifully watercoloured roses, Birgit! Love the colours of the roses, the subtle layering, and the green and blue washes in the background. Thanks so much for being our Guest Designer at CAS Watercolour this month!

  9. Such a beautiful card Brigit...we are lucky to have you as our GD this month at The Cas Watercolour Challenge.
    :) Karen

  10. Just frame it and pop it on the wall....you are one creative lady x

  11. Congratulations on your GD spot at the CAS Watercolour January Challenge, Birgit! This is so elegant and pretty! I love the pink/violet colors of the roses, and as everyone mentioned earlier, the dimension of the flowers (background watercolouring and the die-cuts in front)! Hideko

  12. Absolutely beautiful combination of watercolor and die cut. You're a master!

  13. Just had to pop in to say I love your card. Just became your newest follower as well... can't miss out on the beautiful inspiration your cards send.
    Hugs for now from rainy/snowy New Hampshire...
