söndag 4 mars 2018

Less is More #366

My card for the challenge at Less is More this week!

Monochrome card

I used the sweet stamp from Serendipity Stamps


6 kommentarer:

  1. A beautiful monochrome card.
    Greetings Miranda

  2. Love this card, just stunning! xx

  3. You're giving me so many wonderful ideas for the new stamp sets from Serendipity! My 2 daughters are in their mid 20's now so we have a calendar full of weddings and a list of babies on the way for all their friends. I need to get going on baby and wedding cards!

  4. Such a sweet card. Beautiful watercoloring. Love the earthy monochromatic color. Thank you for joining us at Less is More. x

  5. Divine! A gorgeous image and it has been so beautifully painted. That's a very nice colour for a monochrome card too. I love your style and it is so recognisable. Thank you so much for sharing this with us at Less is More xx

  6. What a beautifully understated colour to choose. I love visiting your blog, your cards never fail to inspire me.
    Thanks so much for sharing with us at Less is More, Anita x
